Working with and for the people of Woldingham since 1920
Welcome to The Woldingham Village Club website
The only personal data we would hold about you in connection with our mailing list is your name and email address which is encrypted and stored by our mailing service provider on secure servers located in the United States.
As a matter of policy, we would not to share your name or email address with anyone else without firstly obtaining your clear and explicit consent. Indeed, there is a strong presumption against acknowledging or even confirming to third parties that we hold any personal data about you.
The personal data we hold about you will only be used for sending you emails updating you on Club news and forthcoming events or occasionally contacting you directly on Club business.
If you manually subscribed to our mailing list by, for example, filling out and signing a form in the Club, we shall retain that physical document securely as a formal record of your subscription consent. The form, or copies of it, will not be shared with third parties either but will be held for up to one year after you subsequently unsubscribe.
You may opt to unsubscribe or change your mailing list preferences by using the appropriate links in the footer of our emails or using the buttons below.
Should you opt to unsubscribe at anytime, not only will your electronic details be removed from our mailing list but they will be completely deleted from the servers of our mailing service provider in line with your 'right to be forgotten'.
We fully conform to the requirements of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation which came into force on 25 May 2018.